Staffing Solutions

Manage your team in one place to monitor and assign them projects.

Genom staffing services assist you to have access to a large scale talent network and help you to complete your time-bound projects without increasing headcount.

Effective staff management leads to great efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Keeping that in mind, our staff augmentation enables you to get trained and proficient professionals. Genom acts as a partner in managing and sourcing candidates that best fits your requirements.

Genom offers different staff augmentation services to you, amongst which you can choose one according to your budget and requirements.

If you want to escape the taxing process of retaining and hiring, our staff augmentation is the perfect solution for you. Rather than wasting time and money on non-core tasks, you can focus on projects with the help of staff augmentation. Other than confidentiality and transparency, with staff augmentation you will get benefits like:

So, with the pool of skilled resources and extensive screening process Genom assures you a dedicated and hardworking staff on board that compliment your demands. To meet your business and organisational needs we ramp up your team into action.

Contractual Staffing

For minimising attrition, contractual staffing is one of the most viable options. In terms of decision making you get flexibility as an advantage to change team size as per your project needs. Genom gets you the best set of resources that meets your set skill demands. When it comes to employment terms, again it’s up to you whether to make it short term or long term.

You are eligible to take the resource on your payroll after completing 6 months with Genom.

Permanent Staffing

A team of experienced professionals can contribute a lot towards the growth of your business. We have proven extensive and expertise databases that guide you to get the right resources for your organisation. To find permanent members to include in your team we follow a stringent screening process as well as written and personal interviews along with references.

Periodic Staffing

As the demand in business keeps on changing from time to time, similarly at a certain point you want to hire certain members for the team, in that situation periodic staffing is the best solution for you. For the defined time, you will get a perfect employee that suits perfectly for the job in terms of experience, expertise and knowledge.

Offshore Staffing

Being your strategic partner, Genom provides you with resources that work only for your offshore projects. You get the authority to add or reduce the staff along with all other decision making power. Our communication channels are always available for you and your team that works according to your requirements.